* General
- -unpause is now developer exclusive command(still available in Fate/Another Test Version, you can search it in right top bar on 'Browse' section of 'Arcade')
- Pre-round pause duration reduced(15->6)
- Fixed a bug where some heroes could exceed 522 hard movespeed limit except for Rider(4th) on Gordius Wheel
* Assassin(Extra)
- Fixed the layout bug when Assassin attempts to use Combo:Raging Dragon Strike while E slot is not occupied by first Fierce Tiger Strike
- Fierce Tiger Strike's second damage type changed from Physical to Magical
- Intensified the China-ness
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Assassin(Extra) Overview
Assassin is combo-dictated assassin hero(heh) who excels in chaining multiple abilities to decimate single target. Designed to thrive when relentlessly attacking foes with base attack and multitude of abilities, he will be a deadly force in mechanically proficient player's hands.
What's Different
*Note: Lot of the background information in this document is based on my outdated Warcraft 3 experience(before I got my hands on dota 2 modding, so 2014 September), so the details might be different now. You may skip this section if you have not played Warcraft 3 map.
Assassin in Warcraft 3 had several issues to be addressed:
1) Defining character
Assassin was heterogeneous in concept. He inherited the tools of existing assassin heroes at the time and became a melting pot of assassin archetype; pseudo-Tsubame Gaeshi on E, pseudo-Gae Dearg on R, and pseudo-Presence Concealment on F, and the usual stereotype melee buffs. As a result, he remained rather bland hero with lacking character that sets him apart from others. Except...
2) Extreme upfront damage
Up to 2700 instant pure damage combo that is very easy to pull off. Ouch.
To tackle with these issues, The focus was shifted to the truly unique aspect of his gameplay; the lengthy combo that consists of multiple E casts and occasionally R. No other heroes had the feeling of the arcade fighting game where you press the keys in right order and timing in succession for satisfying combo, integrated very well into gameplay. Assassin's kits now mainly revolve around chain combo, helping player to perform a fluid sequence of abilities with meaningful and discernable passive and buffs.
Assassin's primary source of damage comes from Fierce Tiger Strike(E) and No Second Strike(R). Using these two abilities at right time will decide the fate of your prey. These abilities can be used in conjunction with C and S scroll for quick pickup on fragile target in early game. Due to being mana-gated, however, he needs several important pickups to become the true combo master of Fate/Another.
However, while it is satisfying to land full combo perfectly, it also implies Assassin has to be under the nose of his foes for long period to be effective. It is where new defensive kits come in. The stereotype melee passive/buffs on Innate, Q and W were reworked upside down to add more depth to Assassin's gameplay by rewarding the fast reflexes, while providing enough offensive power that is a good match to their predecessors. With the vision provided by Mark of Fatality, momentary resistance from Cosmic Orbit, and the cleanse from Attribute:Dual Class, Assassin can deal with most of threats from moderate range.
Fate/Another Beta v1.37 Patch Note
* General
- Fixed a bug where Shards of Holy Grail could not be activated
- Enabled Assassin(Extra)
1) Assassin(Extra)'s portrait card on loadout is postponed until my sony vegas starts actually working
2) Urgently looking for Russian translator. Hit me up on Steam for details
3) There's a bug with global sound right now. Fixed all identified sounds so far but there might be more, so please leave a report on googledoc if there is any
- Fixed a bug where Shards of Holy Grail could not be activated
- Enabled Assassin(Extra)
1) Assassin(Extra)'s portrait card on loadout is postponed until my sony vegas starts actually working
2) Urgently looking for Russian translator. Hit me up on Steam for details
3) There's a bug with global sound right now. Fixed all identified sounds so far but there might be more, so please leave a report on googledoc if there is any
Monday, December 14, 2015
Fate/Another Beta v1.36b Patch Note
* Berserker(4th)
- Rule Breaker cast range increased(100->150)
* Archer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Unlimited Blade Works' cast particle was flickering for enemies when used in FoW
* Caster(5th)
- Rule Breaker cast range increased(100->150)
- Wall of Flame casting point reduced(0.3->0.01)
* Assassin(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Illusions did not fully benefit from bonus attack speed from AGI
* True Assassin
- BAT increased(0.8->1.0)
- Stat per level table changed(0.5/1.8/0.7->0.5/1.6/0.9)
* Avenger
- Fixed a bug where remains from split did damage 1 level less than specified
- Rule Breaker cast range increased(100->150)
* Archer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Unlimited Blade Works' cast particle was flickering for enemies when used in FoW
* Caster(5th)
- Rule Breaker cast range increased(100->150)
- Wall of Flame casting point reduced(0.3->0.01)
* Assassin(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Illusions did not fully benefit from bonus attack speed from AGI
* True Assassin
- BAT increased(0.8->1.0)
- Stat per level table changed(0.5/1.8/0.7->0.5/1.6/0.9)
* Avenger
- Fixed a bug where remains from split did damage 1 level less than specified
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Fate/Another Beta v1.36 Patch Note
* General
- Fixed a bug where AGI gave less attack speed and armor per point
- Fixed a bug where STR gave less health regen per point
- Fixed a bug where INT gave less mana regen per point
- Fixed a bug where shields sometimes regained durability when damaged by abilities that deal physical damage while in negative armor
- Fixed a bug where secondary damage from Spirit Link did not respect armor and MR of primary target
* Assassin(5th)
- Clones are no longer pseudo-illusions based on unit
- Clones are now invulnerable for 0.5 seconds when they spawn
- Fixed a bug where Combo:Tsubame Mai did not generate clones if target is dead before the last strike lands
- Attribute:Ganryu mana cost reduced(19->16)
- Added new Attribute:Improve Mind's Eye
* Red Saber(Extra)
- Saber can now learn Assassin(Extra)'s Martial Arts from Imperial Privilege tab, replacing Item Construction.
- Gladiusanus Blauserum max damage reduced(360%->320%)
- Tres Fontaine Ardent bonus AGI increased(17/24/31/38/45->20/30/40/50/60)
* White Saber(Extra)
- Combo:Supernova cooldown reduced(170->150)
* Caster(5th)
- Auto-select now checks if Ancient Dragon is dead
- Fixed a bug where items could not be bought while mounted
* Caster(4th)
- Auto-select now checks if Gigantic Horror is dead
- Fixed a bug where items could not be bought while mounted
- Fixed a bug where AGI gave less attack speed and armor per point
- Fixed a bug where STR gave less health regen per point
- Fixed a bug where INT gave less mana regen per point
- Fixed a bug where shields sometimes regained durability when damaged by abilities that deal physical damage while in negative armor
- Fixed a bug where secondary damage from Spirit Link did not respect armor and MR of primary target
* Assassin(5th)
- Clones are no longer pseudo-illusions based on unit
- Clones are now invulnerable for 0.5 seconds when they spawn
- Fixed a bug where Combo:Tsubame Mai did not generate clones if target is dead before the last strike lands
- Attribute:Ganryu mana cost reduced(19->16)
- Added new Attribute:Improve Mind's Eye
* Red Saber(Extra)
- Saber can now learn Assassin(Extra)'s Martial Arts from Imperial Privilege tab, replacing Item Construction.
- Gladiusanus Blauserum max damage reduced(360%->320%)
- Tres Fontaine Ardent bonus AGI increased(17/24/31/38/45->20/30/40/50/60)
* White Saber(Extra)
- Combo:Supernova cooldown reduced(170->150)
* Caster(5th)
- Auto-select now checks if Ancient Dragon is dead
- Fixed a bug where items could not be bought while mounted
* Caster(4th)
- Auto-select now checks if Gigantic Horror is dead
- Fixed a bug where items could not be bought while mounted
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Fate/Another Beta v1.35 Patch Note
* General
- Combo requirement now respects rounded-up values on UI(i.e 19.6 INT still qualifies as 20)
* Assassin(5th)
- Heart of Harmony tweaks
- Windblade damage reduced(400/500/600/700/800->400/475/550/625/700) *
- Combo:Tsubame Mai tweaks
* Berserker(5th)
- Attribute:Eternal Rage bash duration increased(0.5->0.65), damage reduced(300->50), damage type changed(Magical->Physical)
* White Saber(Extra)
- Excalibur Galatine healing amount on ally reduced(66%->33%)
- Sun's Embrace's heal is now based on target's current magic resistance(50% of target's missing health->(target's current MR)% of missing health)
* Red Saber(Extra)
- Fixed a bug where Combo:Final Finale was generating flame in square AoE, rather than circular
* Caster(5th)
- Base movement speed increased(315->325)
- Fixed a bug where R button would be occasionally replaced with Firewall
- Fixed a bug where Hecatic Graea was dropping rays in square AoE, rather than circular
- Fixed a bug where Caster can mount on Ancient Dragon while invulnerable on air
- Fixed a bug where Ancient Dragon's ability layout would occasionally get messed up if Dragon dies by non-combat source(entity removal from lua script, workshop destroyed, round ended, etc)
- Fixed a bug where Ancient Dragon's health bonus from Caster's INT was reset when mounting
- Attribute:Improve Argos mana cost reduced(14->8)
- Workshop now mobilizes and immobilizes faster(3 seconds->1.5 second)
- Workshop now benefits from its own Brilliance Aura when upgraded
* Archer(4th)
- Gate of Babylon damage per weapon increased(30/45/60/75/90->40/60/80/100/120)
* Archer(5th)
- Attribute:Hrunting mana cost reduced(16->14), firing Hrunting emits global sound
* Berserker(4th)
- Eternal Arms Mastership's active component can no longer be used when Berserker is revoked
* Avenger
- Attribute:Overdrive mana cost reduced(14->12)
- Fixed a bug where Verg Avesta was unable to return Hecatic Graea's damage
- Combo requirement now respects rounded-up values on UI(i.e 19.6 INT still qualifies as 20)
* Assassin(5th)
- Heart of Harmony tweaks
- Now grants Assassin bonus movement speed after successful counterattack, and generates an illusion
- Now automatically moves player's camera to where Assassin teleported
- No longer deals damage
- Windblade damage reduced(400/500/600/700/800->400/475/550/625/700) *
- Combo:Tsubame Mai tweaks
- Counter damage threshold reduced(300->100)
- AD ratio per slash reduced(1.2->1.0)
- Generates 2 illusions if activated by counterattack, or 1 if activated by autoattack
- Cooldown increased(120->150)
* Berserker(5th)
- Attribute:Eternal Rage bash duration increased(0.5->0.65), damage reduced(300->50), damage type changed(Magical->Physical)
* White Saber(Extra)
- Excalibur Galatine healing amount on ally reduced(66%->33%)
- Sun's Embrace's heal is now based on target's current magic resistance(50% of target's missing health->(target's current MR)% of missing health)
* Red Saber(Extra)
- Fixed a bug where Combo:Final Finale was generating flame in square AoE, rather than circular
* Caster(5th)
- Base movement speed increased(315->325)
- Fixed a bug where R button would be occasionally replaced with Firewall
- Fixed a bug where Hecatic Graea was dropping rays in square AoE, rather than circular
- Fixed a bug where Caster can mount on Ancient Dragon while invulnerable on air
- Fixed a bug where Ancient Dragon's ability layout would occasionally get messed up if Dragon dies by non-combat source(entity removal from lua script, workshop destroyed, round ended, etc)
- Fixed a bug where Ancient Dragon's health bonus from Caster's INT was reset when mounting
- Attribute:Improve Argos mana cost reduced(14->8)
- Workshop now mobilizes and immobilizes faster(3 seconds->1.5 second)
- Workshop now benefits from its own Brilliance Aura when upgraded
* Archer(4th)
- Gate of Babylon damage per weapon increased(30/45/60/75/90->40/60/80/100/120)
* Archer(5th)
- Attribute:Hrunting mana cost reduced(16->14), firing Hrunting emits global sound
* Berserker(4th)
- Eternal Arms Mastership's active component can no longer be used when Berserker is revoked
* Avenger
- Attribute:Overdrive mana cost reduced(14->12)
- Fixed a bug where Verg Avesta was unable to return Hecatic Graea's damage
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Fate/Another Beta v1.34d Patch Note
* Archer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Combo:Arrow Rain's Broken Phantasm was referencing 1 level higher values
* Assassin(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Eye of Serenity particle was invisible to enemy
* Berserker(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Combo:Madman's Roar was not slowing affected enemies
- Fixed several bugs with Attribute:Eternal Rage:
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:God Hand would not resurrect Berserker if friendly Servant alive is either player 11 or 12
* Lancer(4th)
- Fixed a bug where Warrior's Charge was not correctly stunning secondary targets
- Fixed a bug where Mark of Mortality proc from Attribute:Rosebloom was dealing damage based on Lancer's health rather than target's
* Caster(Extra)
- Fixed a bug where Mantra on friendly target can be blocked by spell shield
* Rider(4th)
- Fixed a bug where Hephaestion's Hammer and Anvil sometimes caused performance issue over time
* Avenger
- Fixed a bug where Dark Passage could be used in some occurrence even when Avenger is locked
* White Saber(Extra)
- Fixed a bug where Combo:Supernova could be activated even when Q and R are not cast on same target
* Red Saber(Extra)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Soverign's Glory inflicted one more tick of damage
- Fixed a bug where Combo:Arrow Rain's Broken Phantasm was referencing 1 level higher values
* Assassin(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Eye of Serenity particle was invisible to enemy
* Berserker(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Combo:Madman's Roar was not slowing affected enemies
- Fixed several bugs with Attribute:Eternal Rage:
- No longer allows Berserker to bash even when Courage is not active
- No longer increases Berserk's duration by 1 second
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:God Hand would not resurrect Berserker if friendly Servant alive is either player 11 or 12
* Lancer(4th)
- Fixed a bug where Warrior's Charge was not correctly stunning secondary targets
- Fixed a bug where Mark of Mortality proc from Attribute:Rosebloom was dealing damage based on Lancer's health rather than target's
* Caster(Extra)
- Fixed a bug where Mantra on friendly target can be blocked by spell shield
* Rider(4th)
- Fixed a bug where Hephaestion's Hammer and Anvil sometimes caused performance issue over time
* Avenger
- Fixed a bug where Dark Passage could be used in some occurrence even when Avenger is locked
* White Saber(Extra)
- Fixed a bug where Combo:Supernova could be activated even when Q and R are not cast on same target
* Red Saber(Extra)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Soverign's Glory inflicted one more tick of damage
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Fate/Another Beta v1.34c Patch Note
ANNOUNCEMENT: Community driven tournament is taking signup at the moment. Visit Fate/Another subreddit for more info.
* General
- Fixed a bug where Shard of Avarice did not correctly grant bonus gold on the beginning of new round
* Caster(5th)
- Selecting Caster while mounted selects Ancient Dragon instead
- Fixed a bug where mount delay was longer than intended
* Avenger
- Fixed a bug where True Form would occasionally mess up the ability layout
* Archer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Hrunting did not grant vision of Archer
* Caster(4th)
- Fixed a bug where active component of Prelati's Spellbook was not applying damage amplification to allies correctly
- Selecting Caster while integrated selects Gigantic Horror instead
* Berserker(5th)
- Base mana regen increased(0.5->4)
* True Assassin
- Presence Concealment fade-in delay increased(1.5->2.0), and getting damaged resets the delay.
* Assassin(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Quickdraw's damage was lower than intended
- Attribute:Ganryu now places Assassin 100 units behind the closest target
- Combo:Tsubame Mai cooldown decreased(150->120)
* Caster(Extra)
- Base health increased(900->1000)
- Base movement speed increased(320->330)
* Red Saber(Extra)
- Base mana increased(1050->1175)
* White Saber(Extra)
- Base health reduced(1250->1200)
- Combo:Supernova cooldown increased(130->170)
* General
- Fixed a bug where Shard of Avarice did not correctly grant bonus gold on the beginning of new round
* Caster(5th)
- Selecting Caster while mounted selects Ancient Dragon instead
- Fixed a bug where mount delay was longer than intended
* Avenger
- Fixed a bug where True Form would occasionally mess up the ability layout
* Archer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Hrunting did not grant vision of Archer
* Caster(4th)
- Fixed a bug where active component of Prelati's Spellbook was not applying damage amplification to allies correctly
- Selecting Caster while integrated selects Gigantic Horror instead
* Berserker(5th)
- Base mana regen increased(0.5->4)
* True Assassin
- Presence Concealment fade-in delay increased(1.5->2.0), and getting damaged resets the delay.
* Assassin(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Quickdraw's damage was lower than intended
- Attribute:Ganryu now places Assassin 100 units behind the closest target
- Combo:Tsubame Mai cooldown decreased(150->120)
* Caster(Extra)
- Base health increased(900->1000)
- Base movement speed increased(320->330)
* Red Saber(Extra)
- Base mana increased(1050->1175)
* White Saber(Extra)
- Base health reduced(1250->1200)
- Combo:Supernova cooldown increased(130->170)
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Fate/Another Beta v1.34b Patch Note
* General
- Moved the health and mana display slightly above to prevent it from blocking shop UI for right-side-minimap oriented players
* Archer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Improve Projection Level 1 did not prevent Sword Barrage:Confine's target from blinking
* Caster(4th)
- Fixed a bug where some dummy units granted Caster madness upon death
- Fixed a bug where all Oceanic Demons on the map explode upon using Exquisite Cadaver
- Fixed a bug where Tentacle of Destruction did not do health-based damage on hit
- Tooltip clarifications
- Torment madness damage multiplier increased(5%->10%, 10%->15% after acquisition of attribute)
- Exquisite Cadaver damage multiplier reduced(20%->12%)
- Attribute:Black Magic's curse damage and duration increased(300 over 2 seconds->400 over 4 seconds)
- Moved the health and mana display slightly above to prevent it from blocking shop UI for right-side-minimap oriented players
* Archer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Improve Projection Level 1 did not prevent Sword Barrage:Confine's target from blinking
* Caster(4th)
- Fixed a bug where some dummy units granted Caster madness upon death
- Fixed a bug where all Oceanic Demons on the map explode upon using Exquisite Cadaver
- Fixed a bug where Tentacle of Destruction did not do health-based damage on hit
- Tooltip clarifications
- Torment madness damage multiplier increased(5%->10%, 10%->15% after acquisition of attribute)
- Exquisite Cadaver damage multiplier reduced(20%->12%)
- Attribute:Black Magic's curse damage and duration increased(300 over 2 seconds->400 over 4 seconds)
Fate/Another Beta v1.34 Patch Note
* General
- Added left-top portrait and display for master status
- Fixed a bug where some self-cleanse abilities did not cleanse Rule Breaker's Banish state
* Caster(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Rule Breaker retained its original cooldown even after acquiring Attribute:Dagger of Treachery
- Fixed a bug where casting Hecatic Graea rendered Caster invulnerable for slightly longer(roughly 0.3 second) than when she actually lands on the ground *
* Saber(5th)
- Fixed a bug with Excalibur particle lasting slightly longer
* Saber Alter
- Fixed a bug with Excalibur particle lasting slightly longer
* Archer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Clairvoyance level 2 particle was invisible
- Firing Broken Phantasm or Hrunting now briefly reveals Archer's location
* Lancer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Spear of Striking Death Flight had explosion particle mismatching with actual impact
* Caster(4th)
- Fixed a bug where corpses affected by Exquisite Cadaver did full damage instead of 50% of original damage
- Fixed a bug where corpses would not be affected by Exquisite Cadaver at certain period of round
- Combo:L'Arret De Mort now executes regardless of where you target Exquisite Cadaver
* Caster(Extra)
- Fixed ability layout mess-up
- Fixed a bug where attacker damaging Avenger would result in Avenger suiciding when both are affected by Mantra
- Mantra's bonus damage is now dealt by Caster herself rather than the attacker(if lethal, the kill will be credited to Caster)
- Added left-top portrait and display for master status
- Fixed a bug where some self-cleanse abilities did not cleanse Rule Breaker's Banish state
* Caster(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Rule Breaker retained its original cooldown even after acquiring Attribute:Dagger of Treachery
- Fixed a bug where casting Hecatic Graea rendered Caster invulnerable for slightly longer(roughly 0.3 second) than when she actually lands on the ground *
* Saber(5th)
- Fixed a bug with Excalibur particle lasting slightly longer
* Saber Alter
- Fixed a bug with Excalibur particle lasting slightly longer
* Archer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Clairvoyance level 2 particle was invisible
- Firing Broken Phantasm or Hrunting now briefly reveals Archer's location
* Lancer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Spear of Striking Death Flight had explosion particle mismatching with actual impact
* Caster(4th)
- Fixed a bug where corpses affected by Exquisite Cadaver did full damage instead of 50% of original damage
- Fixed a bug where corpses would not be affected by Exquisite Cadaver at certain period of round
- Combo:L'Arret De Mort now executes regardless of where you target Exquisite Cadaver
* Caster(Extra)
- Fixed ability layout mess-up
- Fixed a bug where attacker damaging Avenger would result in Avenger suiciding when both are affected by Mantra
- Mantra's bonus damage is now dealt by Caster herself rather than the attacker(if lethal, the kill will be credited to Caster)
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Fate/Another Beta v1.33b Patch Note
* Caster(5th)
- Spellbook is now toggle-based, and no longer interrupts queued abilities
- Fixed a bug where extra damage from Attribute:Witchcraft was stacking per ray drop when using Hecatic Graea
- Hecatic Graea now positions Caster faster to the target location
* Rider(4th)
- Fixed a bug where Gordius Wheel modifier could be stacked
* Lancer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:The Heartseeker's AD ratio was not properly working(it was attached to Improve Gae Bolg attribute instesad)
* Berserker(5th)
- Fixed a bug where ressurection by Attribute:God Hand did not remove Gae Buidhe's health reduction effect
- Spellbook is now toggle-based, and no longer interrupts queued abilities
- Fixed a bug where extra damage from Attribute:Witchcraft was stacking per ray drop when using Hecatic Graea
- Hecatic Graea now positions Caster faster to the target location
* Rider(4th)
- Fixed a bug where Gordius Wheel modifier could be stacked
* Lancer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:The Heartseeker's AD ratio was not properly working(it was attached to Improve Gae Bolg attribute instesad)
* Berserker(5th)
- Fixed a bug where ressurection by Attribute:God Hand did not remove Gae Buidhe's health reduction effect
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Fate/Another Beta v1.33 Patch Note
* General
- Fixed an inconsistent item combination behaviour
- Fixed a bug where killing a friendly hero credited gold
- Armor stat reduced(2 per stat->1.5 per stat)
* Lancer(5th)
- Rune of Flame now allows Lancer's abilities to deal bonus damage based on 0/2.5/5/7.5/10% of target's current health
- Fixed a bug where Spear of Striking Death Flight was landing faster than intended.(now lands roughly 0.3 seconds slower)
* Rider(5th)
- Bellerophon cast range increased(1100->1150)
- Fixed a bug where Bellerophon's transition from ascend to descend was faster than intended(now lands roughly 0.3 seconds slower)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Monstrous Strength's proc damage was done at the beginning of backswing rather than when attack actually lands
* Archer(5th)
- Enemy team now also has vision inside Unlimited Blade Works, except true sight
- Fixed a bug where Kanshou Bakuya's cooldown reduction effect can bring Sword Barrage's cooldown down to negative value
- Attribute:Improve Projection can now be leveled up to twice. The second level reads:
"While Unlimited Blade Works persists, swords passively strike random enemy, dealing physical damage based on Archer's INT." Sword Damage: 50+(0.5*INT).
* Saber Alter
- Attribute:Improve Ferocity STR and INT ratio on Unleashed Ferocity increased(1.0->1.5)
* Avenger
- Base health regen reduced(12>0)
- Base mana regen increased(4->7)
- Base attack damage increased(32~50->48~58)
- Murderous Instinct critical damage increased(200%->225%)
- Remain summons now do not detonate when attacking ward
- Verg Avesta return multiplier increased(120/130/140/150/160%->145/155/165/175/185%)
- Vengeance Mark damage increased(400/440/480/520/560->400/460/520/580/640), feedback damage now scales with level(100% at all levels->20/25/30/35/40%)
* Rider(4th)
- Forward! duration increased(1.6/2.2/2.8/3.4/4->3/3.5/4.0/4.5/5.0), bonus movement speed now scales with level(30% at all levels->25/30/35/40/45%)
- Enemy team now also has vision inside Army of the King, except true sight
- Attribute:Via Expugnatio cast point reduced(0.5->0.15)
* Lancer(4th)
- Attribute:Rosebloom's Mark of Mortality damage increased(10%->15%)
- Double Spearsmanship BAT reduced(0.66/0.62/0.58/0.54/0.50->0.65/0.60/0.55/0.50/0.45)
- Combo:Rampant Warrior critical damage increased(200%->225%)
* Berserker(4th)
- Arondite initial damage rescaled(500/575/650/725/800->400/525/650/775/900)
- Fixed a bug where Combo:Air Raid bombardment stun duration was shorter than intended
* Saber(Extra)
- Sun's Embrace total damage increased(550/700/850/1000/1150->650/800/950/1100/1250)
- Excalibur Galatine damage increased(600/800/1000/1200/1400->700/900/1100/1300/1500)
* True Assassin
- Fixed a bug where Assassin's presence was still susceptible to passive detection after acquiring Attribute:Improve Presence Concealment
- Fixed a bug where upgraded Presence Concealment required a non-move action to activate after respawn
* Assassin(5th)
- Fixed a bug with Windblade interacting with wards(i.e pushback, Ganryu TP)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Quickdraw damaged only the first target in contact
- Attribute:Quickdraw damage formula changed(700+10*AGI->500+16*AGI), cast point reduced(0.3->0.25)
* Caster(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Caster does not change her mount state when Ancient Dragon is killed during 0.5 second mount delay
- Base mana regen increased(7->9)
* Caster(4th)
- Fixed a bug where Caster does not change his integrated state when Gigantic Horror is killed during 0.5 second intergration delay
- Fixed an inconsistent item combination behaviour
- Fixed a bug where killing a friendly hero credited gold
- Armor stat reduced(2 per stat->1.5 per stat)
* Lancer(5th)
- Rune of Flame now allows Lancer's abilities to deal bonus damage based on 0/2.5/5/7.5/10% of target's current health
- Fixed a bug where Spear of Striking Death Flight was landing faster than intended.(now lands roughly 0.3 seconds slower)
* Rider(5th)
- Bellerophon cast range increased(1100->1150)
- Fixed a bug where Bellerophon's transition from ascend to descend was faster than intended(now lands roughly 0.3 seconds slower)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Monstrous Strength's proc damage was done at the beginning of backswing rather than when attack actually lands
* Archer(5th)
- Enemy team now also has vision inside Unlimited Blade Works, except true sight
- Fixed a bug where Kanshou Bakuya's cooldown reduction effect can bring Sword Barrage's cooldown down to negative value
- Attribute:Improve Projection can now be leveled up to twice. The second level reads:
"While Unlimited Blade Works persists, swords passively strike random enemy, dealing physical damage based on Archer's INT." Sword Damage: 50+(0.5*INT).
* Saber Alter
- Attribute:Improve Ferocity STR and INT ratio on Unleashed Ferocity increased(1.0->1.5)
* Avenger
- Base health regen reduced(12>0)
- Base mana regen increased(4->7)
- Base attack damage increased(32~50->48~58)
- Murderous Instinct critical damage increased(200%->225%)
- Remain summons now do not detonate when attacking ward
- Verg Avesta return multiplier increased(120/130/140/150/160%->145/155/165/175/185%)
- Vengeance Mark damage increased(400/440/480/520/560->400/460/520/580/640), feedback damage now scales with level(100% at all levels->20/25/30/35/40%)
* Rider(4th)
- Forward! duration increased(1.6/2.2/2.8/3.4/4->3/3.5/4.0/4.5/5.0), bonus movement speed now scales with level(30% at all levels->25/30/35/40/45%)
- Enemy team now also has vision inside Army of the King, except true sight
- Attribute:Via Expugnatio cast point reduced(0.5->0.15)
* Lancer(4th)
- Attribute:Rosebloom's Mark of Mortality damage increased(10%->15%)
- Double Spearsmanship BAT reduced(0.66/0.62/0.58/0.54/0.50->0.65/0.60/0.55/0.50/0.45)
- Combo:Rampant Warrior critical damage increased(200%->225%)
* Berserker(4th)
- Arondite initial damage rescaled(500/575/650/725/800->400/525/650/775/900)
- Fixed a bug where Combo:Air Raid bombardment stun duration was shorter than intended
* Saber(Extra)
- Sun's Embrace total damage increased(550/700/850/1000/1150->650/800/950/1100/1250)
- Excalibur Galatine damage increased(600/800/1000/1200/1400->700/900/1100/1300/1500)
* True Assassin
- Fixed a bug where Assassin's presence was still susceptible to passive detection after acquiring Attribute:Improve Presence Concealment
- Fixed a bug where upgraded Presence Concealment required a non-move action to activate after respawn
* Assassin(5th)
- Fixed a bug with Windblade interacting with wards(i.e pushback, Ganryu TP)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Quickdraw damaged only the first target in contact
- Attribute:Quickdraw damage formula changed(700+10*AGI->500+16*AGI), cast point reduced(0.3->0.25)
* Caster(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Caster does not change her mount state when Ancient Dragon is killed during 0.5 second mount delay
- Base mana regen increased(7->9)
* Caster(4th)
- Fixed a bug where Caster does not change his integrated state when Gigantic Horror is killed during 0.5 second intergration delay
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Fate/Another Beta v1.32c Patch Note
* General
- Attempt at fixing the bug with reconnect that results in null UI(confirmed working on smaller games, needs confirmation on fullhouse setup)
* Caster(Extra)
- Fixed a bug with Attribute:Fate's Call not working
- Attempt at fixing the bug with reconnect that results in null UI(confirmed working on smaller games, needs confirmation on fullhouse setup)
* Caster(Extra)
- Fixed a bug with Attribute:Fate's Call not working
Fate/Another Beta v1.32b Patch Note
* General
- Fixed a bug where Shard of Holy Grail was missing from UI
- Customize tab now has mouseover tooltips
- Fixed a bug where several modifiers that revokes target were not working
* Caster(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Witchcraft's INT ratio was in effect without acquiring it
- Fixed a bug where Shard of Holy Grail was missing from UI
- Fixed a bug where several modifiers that revokes target were not working
* Caster(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Witchcraft's INT ratio was in effect without acquiring it
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Fate/Another Beta v1.32 Patch Note
* General
- Custom UI 2.0 Part 2
- Custom UI 2.0 Part 2
- Master 2's functionality has been ported to separate UI
- Left-top timers utilizing Dota 2's quest system have been ported to separate UI
- Fixed a bug where pause state was messing up some of UI elements
More on user convenience features next week
- Fixed a bug where player 11 and 12 were not able to receive gold from other players
- Fixed a bug where 2nd Command Seal requires at least 2 mana to activate even under the effect of 1st
Friday, October 23, 2015
Fate/Another Beta v1.31b Patch Note
This is more of a hotfix, more comprehensive patch to follow during weekend
* General
- Added side info panel
- Disabled some developer exclusive commands that are no longer needed
- Fixed a bug where dummy item could be purchased
* Archer(4th)
- Fixed a bug with death animation missing
* Lancer(4th)
- Fixed a bug where Gae Buidhe's health reduction below 0 causes phantom entity when target is under effect of flat value shields that blocks more damage than health reduction amount(B scroll, Rho Aias etc). In the event where health reduction below 0 occurs, the target is instantly killed(this is handled same way as Lancer(5th)'s Heart Break)
* General
- Added side info panel
- Disabled some developer exclusive commands that are no longer needed
- Fixed a bug where dummy item could be purchased
* Archer(4th)
- Fixed a bug with death animation missing
* Lancer(4th)
- Fixed a bug where Gae Buidhe's health reduction below 0 causes phantom entity when target is under effect of flat value shields that blocks more damage than health reduction amount(B scroll, Rho Aias etc). In the event where health reduction below 0 occurs, the target is instantly killed(this is handled same way as Lancer(5th)'s Heart Break)
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Fate/Another Beta 1.31 Patch Note
* General
- Custom UI 2.0, Part I:
- Fixed a bug where heroes had lower turn rate than intended
- Fixed a bug where Blink Scroll does not cancel currently issued order
* Berserker(5th), Berserker(4th)
- Fixed a bug where more than 2 instances of Nine Lives at the same time cause it to not perform strike until player runs into wall
* Caster(Extra)
- Fixed a bug where heroes can repetitively open and close spellbook to benefit from Caster(Extra)'s
Eightfold Blessing of Amaterasu effect
- Fixed a bug where Fate's Call can be used on the owner of Reality Marble before teleportation to bring them back out
- Frigid Heaven now applies 30% slow instead of silence
- Gust Heaven now applies silence for 0.1 second
- Soulstream extra damage per stack reduced(20%->15%), bonus movement speed per stack increased(3/3.5/4/4.5/5%->5/5.5/6/6.5/7%)
Attribute:Spirit Theft INT ratio reduced(0.7->0.5)
- Custom UI 2.0, Part I:
- Players can now vote for the win condition; 4/6/8/10/12 rounds won
- Top bar and score view changed to Panorama setup
- Items can now be dragged in and out of stash freely, with exception of Blink Scroll
- The next week's patch will bring further improvements to UI, including Config tab, side info panel, and standalone window that inherits Master 2's functionalities(stats/attributes/etc).
- Fixed a bug where heroes had lower turn rate than intended
- Fixed a bug where Blink Scroll does not cancel currently issued order
* Berserker(5th), Berserker(4th)
- Fixed a bug where more than 2 instances of Nine Lives at the same time cause it to not perform strike until player runs into wall
* Caster(Extra)
- Fixed a bug where heroes can repetitively open and close spellbook to benefit from Caster(Extra)'s
Eightfold Blessing of Amaterasu effect
- Fixed a bug where Fate's Call can be used on the owner of Reality Marble before teleportation to bring them back out
- Frigid Heaven now applies 30% slow instead of silence
- Gust Heaven now applies silence for 0.1 second
- Soulstream extra damage per stack reduced(20%->15%), bonus movement speed per stack increased(3/3.5/4/4.5/5%->5/5.5/6/6.5/7%)
Attribute:Spirit Theft INT ratio reduced(0.7->0.5)
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Fate/Another Beta 1.3 Patch Note
* General
- Reality Marble(RM) bugfixes :
* Lancer(4th)
- Fixed a bug where Warrior's Charge had lower cast range buffer than intended
* Caster(Extra)
- Fixed a bug where Combo:Polygamist Castration Kick could be reset with 2nd Command Seal when attribute was acquired
- Fiery Heaven damage reduced(4%->3%), 6 stack damage reduced(15%->10%), and no longer grants bonus radius on explosion
* True Assassin(5th)
- Zabaniya projectile speed increased(700->950)
- Reality Marble(RM) bugfixes :
- Fixed a bug where the overlapping RM brings units caught within to the secondly cast RM if the owner of first RM cannot be searched by second one's target finding API(due to being in the middle of Combo:Arrow Rain, blink out of 1200 radius, etc)
- Fixed a bug where enemies at the bottom of church could be targeted by Combo:Arrow Rain's Broken Phantasm shots
- Fixed a bug where the marble exit does not alter Attribute:God Hand's respawn location
- Delayed dash abilities(i.e Rosa Ichthys, Bellerophon) are now canceled if target and caster are separated by RM.
- All units now disjoint projectiles upon entering RM
* Lancer(4th)
- Fixed a bug where Warrior's Charge had lower cast range buffer than intended
* Caster(Extra)
- Fixed a bug where Combo:Polygamist Castration Kick could be reset with 2nd Command Seal when attribute was acquired
- Fiery Heaven damage reduced(4%->3%), 6 stack damage reduced(15%->10%), and no longer grants bonus radius on explosion
* True Assassin(5th)
- Zabaniya projectile speed increased(700->950)
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Fate/Another Beta 1.23b Patch Note
* Lancer(4th)
- Fixed a bug where reducing health below 0 with Gae Buidhe rendered target a phantom entity
* Caster(Extra)
- Fixed a bug where combo timer on Master 2 was not working
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Spirit Theft was not correctly revoking target
- Fixed a bug where Fate's Call can be leveled up
* Berserker(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Berserker does not revive if killed with S scroll
- Attribute:Eternal Rage's bash cooldown increased(1.5->4)
* True Assassin(5th)
- Fixed a bug where detecting enemy ward with Attribute:Improve Presence Concealment prevents Combo proc
- Fixed a bug where reducing health below 0 with Gae Buidhe rendered target a phantom entity
* Caster(Extra)
- Fixed a bug where combo timer on Master 2 was not working
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Spirit Theft was not correctly revoking target
- Fixed a bug where Fate's Call can be leveled up
* Berserker(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Berserker does not revive if killed with S scroll
- Attribute:Eternal Rage's bash cooldown increased(1.5->4)
* True Assassin(5th)
- Fixed a bug where detecting enemy ward with Attribute:Improve Presence Concealment prevents Combo proc
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Fate/Another Recruitment Post
Dota 2 has built-in support for multiple languages with localized string, and it would be a waste if we don't make use of it. Join the localization party so the people of your land can enjoy the game in the glory of their own language!
Translate the in-game tooltips and other various lines in the language of your specialization.
Note: I am getting a help from Perfect World staff in regards to SChinese, so don't need chinese translator for a while.
Note: I am getting a help from Perfect World staff in regards to SChinese, so don't need chinese translator for a while.
1) Strong background knowledge in Fate series and/or Nasuverse
2) Good writing skills in your language, and decent capability in English
- I honestly don't think one needs to be super good at English for amateur translation since most of lines can be run through translator and it usually makes enough sense for that person to interpret them in his own language anyways.
Other Qualifications(Not necessary, but a big plus)
1) Have played good amount of Warcraft 3 Fate/Another
2) Bilingual in your language and English
3) Being able to get in touch with me over time to update strings(new heroes, etc)
3) Being able to get in touch with me over time to update strings(new heroes, etc)
Quality Assurance
It took me couple semesters as CS major to realize I am not the best programmer in the world. What a surprise(4Head). Your job is a hunter; you will pinpoint the myriad of bugs and work with me to fix it up. Yes you can Unleash the Hounds and ruthlessly ruin my face, so long as what's wrong gets un-wronged.
Identify bugs and work with lead developer to fix it
1) Lua/KV scripting skills, specially in relation to Dota 2 API
- You should be decent with scripting in Lua/KV on your own since you are here to fix my crappy code. You don't need to be an advanced Lua programmer however, since most stuffs can be done with rudimentary scripting. Just go over the github to have a brief idea.
2) Familiarity with Warcraft 3 mechanics
- Since the map is based off Warcraft 3, you are expected to know how things roll in the former platform.
3) At least 30 hours of Fate/Another OR 10 different heroes of Fate/Another played on Dota 2 and/or on Warcraft 3
Other Qualifications(Not necessary, but a big plus)
1) Experience in making your own creation with Dota 2 tools
- The experience is most valuable asset, because Dota 2 scripting right now is more about how to deal with gimmicky engine with ACTUALLY working APIs/methods/workarounds, and less about hardcore complex programming. Just a hero is fine. Even better if you have created the custom game before.
2) Github. However the only knowledge you need can be covered within 10 minute tutorial on web.
Particle Editor
I'll be honest here; Large portion of in-game effects suck. I have never tackled with particles before this project and it really shows on some of half-assedly done particles. They need your help. If you have previous experience with particle system from other game engines(be it OpenGL, UE, Unity, or anything), you are welcome to join the crew and create amazing particles that even Ufotable team would cry over.
Work with lead developer to create functional, and aesthetically pleasing particle effect for Servant abilities.
Prerequisite :
1) Enthusiasm to make Fate/Another on Dota 2 a better game
- Self explanatory.
2) At least 300 hours of Dota 2 played
- You can only cherrypick Dota 2 particles to edit when you know what those are.
3) Decent exposure to particle system
- I am not asking you to be super good at creating particle from scratch, since Dota 2 has wonderful array of templates you can take advantage of. However, you are expected to have the basics down.
4) Co-operative personality
- You will be working closely with me to put stuffs together, and I would much prefer someone who is not a douche.
Other Qualifications(Not necessary, but a big plus)
1) Have played good amount of Warcraft 3 Fate/Another
2) Familiar with Dota 2 tools particle editor. If you have not used it, try it now. It is quite similar to other tools such as Unity or Pyro
3) Github. However the only knowledge you need can be covered within 10 minute tutorial on web.
Being a poor university student on debt, I cannot promise any fortune. However, I can promise that :
1) You will get all credits for your work. Depending on your career path it might look good on resume to have worked on full featured(or soon-to-be... :p) game.
2) You will have an input on how game changes. The most of works will be likely just me giving you big picture(mandates) and you having your way under that.
If you are interested, submit your application to hermit1007@gmail.com with the following information :
- Steam name : Don't be shy, I won't judge even if your name is xX322Sephiroth420Xx
- Age : Just something I would like to know.
- Country : So I can take timezone into consideration when we work together. I reside in US West for reference.
- Brief amount of Fate/Another playtime : In both Warcraft 3 and Dota 2
- Qualifications : Briefly explain your qualifications in 1-2 paragraphs. Bullet point form is fine too.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Caster(Extra) Overview
Caster is a nimble mage hero with sustained DPS and variety of utilities. While she is not optimized for overwhelming an army of foes with devastating Noble Phantasm, her pinpoint burst on low cooldown and prominent ability to save the team from sticky situation allow her to be a great backline support.
Caster's bread-and-butter is Soulstream, the most spammable skill in Fate/Another up to date. With 1 second cooldown at Level 5, it makes for an excellent source of consistent damage output. While Soulstream is not very powerful on its own, its multi-hit properties and spammability make great synergy with rest of her kits. With right setup, she can put a serious hurt on isolated target that matches even more dedicated assassins.
With that said, being primarily sustained DPS with relatively short range and low durability means that she will be always under threat; it's where her Attributes come in.
Fate's Call is very versatile forced teleport that can be used to initiate the team fight or reposition the teammate back to safe zone. It can be even cast on Caster herself for a free Blink - The delay is 0 for point blank distance -. However, if she is in such dire situation that even two Blinks are not enough, she has another trump card up her sleeve.
Unless she is firmly locked by Crowd Controls of highest quality such as Enkidu or Nine Lives, Caster may activate one of the most powerful escapes in the game by simply pressing one button. While it comes at hefty cost of 15 mana and 50% damage off from Combo, a chance at second life may be a worthy tradeoff.
Team Fight
Once the fight occurs, Caster's main role is to provide adequate support for allies in danger. The most fearful capability of Caster during fully-blown fight is the counter-initiation with her ultimate Eightfold Blessing of Amaterasu.
With Attribute, Eightfold Blessing of Amaterasu effectively becomes an instant silence in huge radius. This can nullify most of initiation attempts and buy a time for team to either retreat or retaliate on advantageous filed.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Fate/Another Beta 1.23 Patch Note
* General
- Caster(Extra) is now available. Hero overview to follow after I am done finishing two 400 assignments due this midnight... :D
- Fixed a bug where SChinese localized strings in Fatepedia were broken
- Caster(Extra) is now available. Hero overview to follow after I am done finishing two 400 assignments due this midnight... :D
- Fixed a bug where SChinese localized strings in Fatepedia were broken
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Fate/Another Beta 1.22 Patch Note
* General
- Updated Simplified Chinese tooltips to latest version(run Dota 2 with '-language schinese' launch command)
- Hero Kill experience formula changed
Level 1 XP bounty : 124->120
Level 2~24 XP bounty : Previous Level XP bounty + Level*4 + 124 -> Previous Level XP bounty*0.95 + Level*4 + 100
- Experience gain on new round now scales with the difference between death and kill count
(40%->50% + 1%*(Death-Kill))
- Experience acquisition range increased for hero kill(1300->Global)
- Gold bounty formula changed(1000+Level*100->1300+Level*75)
- Dota 2 default hero kill bounty disabled
- Fixed a bug where heroes did not have base health regen
- Increased base mana regen of all heroes
* Rider(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Seal was not properly charming targets to the center
- Fixed a bug where Bloodfort Andromeda was not healing Rider
* True Assassin(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Protection from Wind did not negate Saber's Invisible Air
- Ambush cooldown now scales with skill level(24->24/23/22/21/20)
- Snatch Strike damage increased(400/450/500/550/600->400/475/550/625/700)
* Avenger
- Fixed a bug where Demon Core would last forever if toggled on when round ended
- Updated Simplified Chinese tooltips to latest version(run Dota 2 with '-language schinese' launch command)
- Hero Kill experience formula changed
Level 1 XP bounty : 124->120
Level 2~24 XP bounty : Previous Level XP bounty + Level*4 + 124 -> Previous Level XP bounty*0.95 + Level*4 + 100
- Experience gain on new round now scales with the difference between death and kill count
(40%->50% + 1%*(Death-Kill))
- Experience acquisition range increased for hero kill(1300->Global)
- Gold bounty formula changed(1000+Level*100->1300+Level*75)
- Dota 2 default hero kill bounty disabled
- Fixed a bug where heroes did not have base health regen
- Increased base mana regen of all heroes
* Rider(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Seal was not properly charming targets to the center
- Fixed a bug where Bloodfort Andromeda was not healing Rider
* True Assassin(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Protection from Wind did not negate Saber's Invisible Air
- Ambush cooldown now scales with skill level(24->24/23/22/21/20)
- Snatch Strike damage increased(400/450/500/550/600->400/475/550/625/700)
* Avenger
- Fixed a bug where Demon Core would last forever if toggled on when round ended
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Fate/Another Beta 1.21c Patch Note
* General
- Fixed a bug where some soft dispellable modifiers were not properly cleaned up
* Avenger
- Fixed a bug where obtaining Blood Mark attribute during True Form duration would glitch the ability layout
* Berserker(5th)
- Reincarnation damage count is now reset in the event where Berserker spends God Hand stack
* Lancer(4th)
- Gae Buidhe damage increased(400/500/600/700/800 -> 500/600/700/800/900), cast point reduced(1.2->1.1)
- Fixed a bug where some soft dispellable modifiers were not properly cleaned up
* Avenger
- Fixed a bug where obtaining Blood Mark attribute during True Form duration would glitch the ability layout
* Berserker(5th)
- Reincarnation damage count is now reset in the event where Berserker spends God Hand stack
* Lancer(4th)
- Gae Buidhe damage increased(400/500/600/700/800 -> 500/600/700/800/900), cast point reduced(1.2->1.1)
Fate/Another Beta 1.21b Patch Note
* Berserker(5th)
- Updated few outdated tooltip lines
- Attribute:Reincarnation mana cost increased(10->15). Now grants less damage count towards God Hand life stock while Berserk is active(x3->x2). Damage count required increased(12000->20000)
- Updated few outdated tooltip lines
- Attribute:Reincarnation mana cost increased(10->15). Now grants less damage count towards God Hand life stock while Berserk is active(x3->x2). Damage count required increased(12000->20000)
Progress So Far
Since September is coming close to end, I would like to share my progress on stuffs I have promised in the Q4 roadmap. I spent valuable time investigating the stutter earlier in this month(volvo pls) and did not make as much progress as I hoped for, but things are slowly coming together.
Custom UI 2.0
Made a toggle button for direct transfer from shop to hero inventory. Completed side bar info tab. Created a separate panel for Master 2 stuffs(stats, attributes, and whatnot) that can be minimized, although the actual elements are still awaiting for integration.
Some of the things done can be deployed on main client right off the bat, but I am holding off for a bit because Valve has left a real spooky line in their patch note with their initial reborn update :
"Afterwards, we'll begin shifting our attention towards the in-game UI, where we plan to redesign the HUD and work on a variety of other in-game features"
In other words, the new UI optimized for current HUD can turn out to be the nightmare when redesigned HUD drops. I figured I would rather wait a bit and see what they come up with.
The church map is done, but I haven't started on implementing FFA logic yet.
There is draft version of tooltips available if anyone cares to read. The concept is 'slippery support mage with sustained DPS'. This task is currently in my scope and I hope to be able to release her on test game by next weekend.
TL;DR : I wouldn't be able to be timely with the promised updates. Spare me, I am trying.
Fate/Another Beta 1.21 Patch Note
Fate/Another Beta 1.21 Patch Note
* General
- Fixed a bug where TP Scroll can be used a moment before entering Reality Marble to escape from it
- Fixed a bug where some items did not require owner to turn towards target location
* Berserker(5th)
- Reworked. Check out the details here
* Saber Alter
- Vortigern post-cast delay incresaed(0.4->0.8)
- Attribute:Sword of Darklight critical rate and damage adjusted(15%->25% proc chance, 400%->200% critical damage)
* Rider(4th)
- Gordius Wheel movement speed bonus per second increased(8->9%)
- Gordius Wheel's current stack of movement speed buff is now soft-dispellable(i.e S Scroll)
- Gordius Wheel's mitigation buff is now hard-dispellable(i.e Rule Breaker, Gae Dearg)
* Berserker(4th)
- Fixed a bug where some spells did not match the property of original Noble Phantasm
* Caster(5th)
- Fixed a bug with Mana Drain/Mana Trasfer being able to target self and receive mana
* Lancer(5th)
- Rune of Flame damage per stack increased(1/2/3/4/5->3/4/5/6/7)
* Red Saber(Extra)
- Mind's Eye replaced with Item Construction in Imperial Privilege selections
- Gladiusanus Blauserum max damage stack increased(340%->360%)
- Fixed a bug where improved Clairvoyance did not have True Sight property
* General
- Fixed a bug where TP Scroll can be used a moment before entering Reality Marble to escape from it
- Fixed a bug where some items did not require owner to turn towards target location
* Berserker(5th)
- Reworked. Check out the details here
* Saber Alter
- Vortigern post-cast delay incresaed(0.4->0.8)
- Attribute:Sword of Darklight critical rate and damage adjusted(15%->25% proc chance, 400%->200% critical damage)
* Rider(4th)
- Gordius Wheel movement speed bonus per second increased(8->9%)
- Gordius Wheel's current stack of movement speed buff is now soft-dispellable(i.e S Scroll)
- Gordius Wheel's mitigation buff is now hard-dispellable(i.e Rule Breaker, Gae Dearg)
* Berserker(4th)
- Fixed a bug where some spells did not match the property of original Noble Phantasm
* Caster(5th)
- Fixed a bug with Mana Drain/Mana Trasfer being able to target self and receive mana
* Lancer(5th)
- Rune of Flame damage per stack increased(1/2/3/4/5->3/4/5/6/7)
* Red Saber(Extra)
- Mind's Eye replaced with Item Construction in Imperial Privilege selections
- Gladiusanus Blauserum max damage stack increased(340%->360%)
- Fixed a bug where improved Clairvoyance did not have True Sight property
Berserker Rework
Since the days of Score Beta, Berserker remains relatively unchanged hero. While Berserker is still very powerful hero in right hands, the extreme dependency on Nine Lives and, more importantly, God Hands make his playstyle very binary and unfun for both ends. The rework's goal is to allow Berserker to apply decent amount of pressure as a tank even when Nine Lives is down, while toning down the insane swing of power God Hand provides during mid to late game.
New Courage will allow him to make a tradeoff between tankiness and damage at his will, enabling a very aggressive right-click based playstyle while Nine Lives is down. At the same time, Berserker's opponents will have better chance at shutting him down with STR debuff placed.
The above tooltips were saved from earlier iteration, so there may be minor difference in actual game.
God Hand used to allow Berserker to be practically an immortal for the rest of game when played by competent player, creating tons of space for his teammate. The changes to God Hand are aimed at allowing enemy team a time to retaliate after spending their resource on Berserker. At the same time, reworked Reincarnation attribute will allow him to not fall off as easily after life stock is depleted, with an incentive to staying in frontline and taking damage - smartly -.
The above tooltips were saved from earlier iteration, so there may be minor difference in actual game.
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Fate/Another Beta 1.20b Patch Note
Fate/Another Beta 1.20b Patch Note
* General
- Tooltip rewrite complete, except for Berserker(5th). Refer to here for details : LINK
- Fixed a bug where strong dispel(i.e Rule Breaker, Gae Dearg) did not dispel some buffs that could be dispelled by soft dispel(i.e S Scroll)
- Fixed a bug with some abilities missing icon picture
* Lancer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Rune of Flame was not working
* Rider(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Mystic Eye was not working
* True Assassin(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Dagger Throw would not actually throw dagger at some occurence
- Fixed a bug where Dagger Throw searches for enemies in the fog of war as well
* Berserker(4th)
- Fixed a bug where casting Arondite in high input delay environment sometimes caues it to refund mana and reset cooldown
* General
- Tooltip rewrite complete, except for Berserker(5th). Refer to here for details : LINK
- Fixed a bug where strong dispel(i.e Rule Breaker, Gae Dearg) did not dispel some buffs that could be dispelled by soft dispel(i.e S Scroll)
- Fixed a bug with some abilities missing icon picture
* Lancer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Rune of Flame was not working
* Rider(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Mystic Eye was not working
* True Assassin(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Dagger Throw would not actually throw dagger at some occurence
- Fixed a bug where Dagger Throw searches for enemies in the fog of war as well
* Berserker(4th)
- Fixed a bug where casting Arondite in high input delay environment sometimes caues it to refund mana and reset cooldown
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Fate/Another Beta 1.20 Patch Note
* General
- Fixed a bug where some particles were not properly cleaned up
- Reverted A scroll particle to 1.18d
- Tooltip overhaul under way, will be finished with 1.20b(ETA: this weekend)
* Assassin(5th)
- Temporarily disabled true strike property(MKB) of Mind's Eye in order to prevent conflict with Avalon mechanism
* Caster(5th)
- Fixed a bug where leveling up spellbook does not reset the contents' cooldown
- Fixed a bug where Silence did not also disarm enemies
* True Assassin(5th)
- Attribute:Weakening Venom AGI bonus damage type changed(Pure->Physical), AGI ratio reverted(2->1), and STR debuff increased(5->12)
* Red Saber(Extra)
- Rosa Ichthys max dash range reduced(2000->1600)
- Attribute:Invictus Spiritus mana cost reduced(13->12)
* White Saber(Extra)
- Fixed a bug where Excalibur Galatine projectile was invisible to enemy
- Fixed a bug where some particles were not properly cleaned up
- Reverted A scroll particle to 1.18d
- Tooltip overhaul under way, will be finished with 1.20b(ETA: this weekend)
* Assassin(5th)
- Temporarily disabled true strike property(MKB) of Mind's Eye in order to prevent conflict with Avalon mechanism
* Caster(5th)
- Fixed a bug where leveling up spellbook does not reset the contents' cooldown
- Fixed a bug where Silence did not also disarm enemies
* True Assassin(5th)
- Attribute:Weakening Venom AGI bonus damage type changed(Pure->Physical), AGI ratio reverted(2->1), and STR debuff increased(5->12)
* Red Saber(Extra)
- Rosa Ichthys max dash range reduced(2000->1600)
- Attribute:Invictus Spiritus mana cost reduced(13->12)
* White Saber(Extra)
- Fixed a bug where Excalibur Galatine projectile was invisible to enemy
Monday, September 7, 2015
Fate/Another Beta 1.19 Patch Note
Fate/Another Beta 1.19 Patch Note
* General
- Fixed a bug where some summons would be reverted to original health 1 frame after summon as of 9/1 Reborn Patch
- Fixed a bug where a Reality Marble could override the other one when already within it
- Fixed a bug with TP scroll into Reality Marble
- Fixed a bug where losing definition during TP channeling results in a duplicate
- Disabled Mass Teleport Scroll
- Reverted A and S scroll particles
- Ward Familiar vision radius reduced(1600->1250), duration reduced(105->80)
* Lancer(5th)
- Fixed a bug with Rune of Disengage causing CTD when used at some locations
* Lancer(4th)
- Fixed a bug with Attribute:Double Spear Strike not costing mana for secondary spear
* Rider(4th)
- Fixed a bug where Phalanx soldiers were targetable and vulnerable
- Phalanx duration increased(3->6)
- Gordius Wheel can no longer be used within Army of the King
- Fixed a bug where heroes inside Army of the King did not receive skill level bonus in some occurence
- Summon Hephaestion and Summon Waver in Army of the King mana cost reduced(200->150)
- Attribute:Thundergod's Wrath's periodic thunder briefly slows target by 99% instead of ministun. Mana cost increased(17->19)
- Attribute:Bond Beyond Time mana cost reduced(19->15)
* Archer(4th)
- Gate of Babylon and Sword Barrage deal 250% damage to Gigantic Horror
- Fixed a bug where Gram's cast range buffer was lower than intended
* Caster(4th)
- Gigantic Horror passive health regen reduced(5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13%->3/3/4/4/5/5/6/6%)
- Few signature beam abilities(Excalibur, Enuma Elish) deal 130% damage to Gigantic Horror
- Archer(4th)'s Gate of Babylon and Sword Barrage deal 250% damage to Gigantic Horror
- Integrate bonus movement speed reduced(200->150)
* True Assassin(5th)
- Zabaniya cast range and buffer range increased(500->600/150->250)
- Attribute:Improve Presence Conealment now allows Ambush to reveal the closest ward within 2500 radius for 5 seconds at cast. Mana cost reduced(19->17)
- Attribute:Weakening Venom AGI ratio increased(1.0->2.0)
- Fixed a bug with Combo:Delusional Illusion persisting even when Assassin is killed
* Red Saber(Extra)
- Tres Fontaine Ardent cleave damage reduced(60%->30%), AGI bonus reduced(20/30/40/50/60->17/24/31/38/45)
- Mind's Eye level 2 critical rate reduced(22%->17%)
* Misc
- Test version is now public
* General
- Fixed a bug where some summons would be reverted to original health 1 frame after summon as of 9/1 Reborn Patch
- Fixed a bug where a Reality Marble could override the other one when already within it
- Fixed a bug with TP scroll into Reality Marble
- Fixed a bug where losing definition during TP channeling results in a duplicate
- Disabled Mass Teleport Scroll
- Reverted A and S scroll particles
- Ward Familiar vision radius reduced(1600->1250), duration reduced(105->80)
* Lancer(5th)
- Fixed a bug with Rune of Disengage causing CTD when used at some locations
* Lancer(4th)
- Fixed a bug with Attribute:Double Spear Strike not costing mana for secondary spear
* Rider(4th)
- Fixed a bug where Phalanx soldiers were targetable and vulnerable
- Phalanx duration increased(3->6)
- Gordius Wheel can no longer be used within Army of the King
- Fixed a bug where heroes inside Army of the King did not receive skill level bonus in some occurence
- Summon Hephaestion and Summon Waver in Army of the King mana cost reduced(200->150)
- Attribute:Thundergod's Wrath's periodic thunder briefly slows target by 99% instead of ministun. Mana cost increased(17->19)
- Attribute:Bond Beyond Time mana cost reduced(19->15)
* Archer(4th)
- Gate of Babylon and Sword Barrage deal 250% damage to Gigantic Horror
- Fixed a bug where Gram's cast range buffer was lower than intended
* Caster(4th)
- Gigantic Horror passive health regen reduced(5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13%->3/3/4/4/5/5/6/6%)
- Few signature beam abilities(Excalibur, Enuma Elish) deal 130% damage to Gigantic Horror
- Archer(4th)'s Gate of Babylon and Sword Barrage deal 250% damage to Gigantic Horror
- Integrate bonus movement speed reduced(200->150)
* True Assassin(5th)
- Zabaniya cast range and buffer range increased(500->600/150->250)
- Attribute:Improve Presence Conealment now allows Ambush to reveal the closest ward within 2500 radius for 5 seconds at cast. Mana cost reduced(19->17)
- Attribute:Weakening Venom AGI ratio increased(1.0->2.0)
- Fixed a bug with Combo:Delusional Illusion persisting even when Assassin is killed
* Red Saber(Extra)
- Tres Fontaine Ardent cleave damage reduced(60%->30%), AGI bonus reduced(20/30/40/50/60->17/24/31/38/45)
- Mind's Eye level 2 critical rate reduced(22%->17%)
* Misc
- Test version is now public
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Fate/Another Beta 1.18d Patch Note
Fate/Another Beta 1.18d Patch Note
* General
- Changed particle of A and A+ scroll
* Saber
- Fixed a bug where Invisible Air projectile was slower than intended
* White Saber(Extra)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Blessing of Fairy's cooldown could be reset with 2nd Command Seal
* General
- Changed particle of A and A+ scroll
* Saber
- Fixed a bug where Invisible Air projectile was slower than intended
* White Saber(Extra)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Blessing of Fairy's cooldown could be reset with 2nd Command Seal
Saturday, September 5, 2015
Fate/Another Beta 1.18c Patch Note
Fate/Another Beta 1.18c Patch Note
* General
- Cleared default cosmetics for following heroes :
White Saber(Extra)
Note that equippable cosmetics are still problematic
- Cleared several Dota 2 BGMs
* General
- Cleared default cosmetics for following heroes :
White Saber(Extra)
Note that equippable cosmetics are still problematic
- Cleared several Dota 2 BGMs
Fate/Another Beta 1.18b Patch Note
Fate/Another Beta 1.18b Patch Note
* General
- Fixed a bug where C scroll projectile had its own vision
- Fixed a bug where enchanted mango could be bought
* Berserker(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Fissure Strike had level interval of 2 instead of 1
* Lancer(4th)
- Fixed a bug where base Magic Resistance was lower than intended
* True Assassin(5th)
- Backswing animation now matches actual attack
- Fixed a bug where Dagger Throw's cast range was not dynamic(ty volvo)
- Fixed a bug where Ambush attack modifier would remain if projectile is disjointed
- Fixed a bug where Protection from Wind did not avoid damage from Saber's Strike Air
- Combo:Delusional Illusion Zabaniya damage increased(Abmush Lvl*60+100 -> Ambush Lvl*80+120), bleeding damage removed
Also, please refer to this post for details regarding playtests.
* General
- Fixed a bug where C scroll projectile had its own vision
- Fixed a bug where enchanted mango could be bought
* Berserker(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Fissure Strike had level interval of 2 instead of 1
* Lancer(4th)
- Fixed a bug where base Magic Resistance was lower than intended
* True Assassin(5th)
- Backswing animation now matches actual attack
- Fixed a bug where Dagger Throw's cast range was not dynamic(ty volvo)
- Fixed a bug where Ambush attack modifier would remain if projectile is disjointed
- Fixed a bug where Protection from Wind did not avoid damage from Saber's Strike Air
- Combo:Delusional Illusion Zabaniya damage increased(Abmush Lvl*60+100 -> Ambush Lvl*80+120), bleeding damage removed
Also, please refer to this post for details regarding playtests.
Friday, September 4, 2015
We Are at War
It has been a year since I ventured into the modding scene and I am very glad to see the game is coming together pretty nicely, but there is one big issue that has been lingering since the introduction of Reborn client: the late game spike caused by memory leak.
I have been getting a lot of complaints about this, and I feel you all. Being a 9-year veteran, I know how crucial it is to create a lag-free environment where you can actually perceive the approaching 3k nuke of death and react appropriately. With this post, I would like to clear up some misunderstandings and introduce a possible solution.
Why is it so difficult to fix?
1 . Main client and Tools client are not identical
Not everything works in main game even if it works fine on developer platform. The most recent example would be the hero selection bug on 9/1; I was shocked when I got a report saying all Servants were unpickable on main client just as I was testing Rider(4th) on tools client. There had been easily more than 100 instances of inconsistency like this over the year and there are still few, including the cosmetic API
2 .The beta traps are everywhere
Since the introduction of Dota 2 Reborn, a tinker main had insane lag as the game progresses. He tried reinstalling Dota 2, did clean install of OS, and just about anything a Dota 2-addict could possibly imagine. Nothing worked out.
Later, he found out a particle attached to Tinker immortal was causing memory leak.
If you think that's funny, here's another. Some custom games, especially the ones that involve around terrain modification, were suffering from lag. Those games were not even close to being resource-intense and had never had such problem back in Source 1 days.
It was fixed as of July 23, because Valve found out that a function that gets all trees around certain point was causing memory leak.
There are more, but just be reminded that we are still in alpha from custom game developer's perspective. Source 2 library packs some really nasty APIs that can make your game suffer as whole for the simplest task.
Proposed Solution
With all that said, you may ask: Alright Dun, tough luck, but does that mean we should just sit and watch until Valve perfects their engine?
To be honest, this could may as well be sloppy job done on my end, and that's the worst part of issue; I do not know whose fault it is. Given that I have not had any prior experience with code/particle optimization, it is very well possible that Valve is innocent and I am just being silly with excuses.Knowing Valve is unlikely to spoonfeed me with information, it is about time I took a more serious action.
As mentioned above, we do not know what is causing memory leak yet, so the first approach should be the method of deduction, with more focused investigation to follow. Over the next few days I will be hosting a test game with an exclusion rule - no item, no ability, etc -. Once the house rule where no spike occurs is found, we will be further enforcing the exclusion inside that rule to find out the culprit.
I would very appreciate it if everyone reading this post would be co-operative and join the test lobby when you see one.
Here are some food for thoughts :
1. On tools client, I ran a script that commands all heroes to use their abilities whenever the cooldown allows for 11 hours one day, and had no issue with lag. This probably indicates the memory leak is only happening on main client and involves networking.
2. It was investigated that higher-skilled games are more likely to get the spike at earlier stage of game.
3. A seemingly random crash is likely caused by host's memory not being able to keep up with the memleak
It has been a year since I ventured into the modding scene and I am very glad to see the game is coming together pretty nicely, but there is one big issue that has been lingering since the introduction of Reborn client: the late game spike caused by memory leak.
I have been getting a lot of complaints about this, and I feel you all. Being a 9-year veteran, I know how crucial it is to create a lag-free environment where you can actually perceive the approaching 3k nuke of death and react appropriately. With this post, I would like to clear up some misunderstandings and introduce a possible solution.
Why is it so difficult to fix?
1 . Main client and Tools client are not identical
Not everything works in main game even if it works fine on developer platform. The most recent example would be the hero selection bug on 9/1; I was shocked when I got a report saying all Servants were unpickable on main client just as I was testing Rider(4th) on tools client. There had been easily more than 100 instances of inconsistency like this over the year and there are still few, including the cosmetic API
2 .The beta traps are everywhere
Since the introduction of Dota 2 Reborn, a tinker main had insane lag as the game progresses. He tried reinstalling Dota 2, did clean install of OS, and just about anything a Dota 2-addict could possibly imagine. Nothing worked out.
Later, he found out a particle attached to Tinker immortal was causing memory leak.
If you think that's funny, here's another. Some custom games, especially the ones that involve around terrain modification, were suffering from lag. Those games were not even close to being resource-intense and had never had such problem back in Source 1 days.
It was fixed as of July 23, because Valve found out that a function that gets all trees around certain point was causing memory leak.
There are more, but just be reminded that we are still in alpha from custom game developer's perspective. Source 2 library packs some really nasty APIs that can make your game suffer as whole for the simplest task.
Proposed Solution
With all that said, you may ask: Alright Dun, tough luck, but does that mean we should just sit and watch until Valve perfects their engine?
To be honest, this could may as well be sloppy job done on my end, and that's the worst part of issue; I do not know whose fault it is. Given that I have not had any prior experience with code/particle optimization, it is very well possible that Valve is innocent and I am just being silly with excuses.Knowing Valve is unlikely to spoonfeed me with information, it is about time I took a more serious action.
As mentioned above, we do not know what is causing memory leak yet, so the first approach should be the method of deduction, with more focused investigation to follow. Over the next few days I will be hosting a test game with an exclusion rule - no item, no ability, etc -. Once the house rule where no spike occurs is found, we will be further enforcing the exclusion inside that rule to find out the culprit.
I would very appreciate it if everyone reading this post would be co-operative and join the test lobby when you see one.
Here are some food for thoughts :
1. On tools client, I ran a script that commands all heroes to use their abilities whenever the cooldown allows for 11 hours one day, and had no issue with lag. This probably indicates the memory leak is only happening on main client and involves networking.
2. It was investigated that higher-skilled games are more likely to get the spike at earlier stage of game.
3. A seemingly random crash is likely caused by host's memory not being able to keep up with the memleak
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Fate/Another Beta 1.18 Patch Note
* Saber Alter
- Attribute:Improve Mana Shroud now allows Mana Burst and MAX Mana Burst to deal bonus damage based on INT, instead of flat values(3*INT/5*INT respectively)
- Combo:MAX Mana Burst combo input time increased(4->5 seconds)
* Archer(5th)
- Base health reduced(1150->1100)
- Fixed a bug where sword models from Sword Barrage - Confine were selectable
* Lancer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Rune of Trap had global range
* Rider(5th)
- Attribute:Monstrous Strength no longer grants attack speed bonus.
* Assassin(5th)
- Heart of the Harmony and Combo:Tsubame Mai now have 3000 range cap.
* Saber
- Fixed a bug where Avalon had infinite proc range
* Caster(5th)
- Workshop no longer grants passive vision to enemy. Enemy gets a ping to its location on minimap every 15 seconds
* Caster(4th)
- Summon Oceanic Demon summon count decreased(3/4/5/6/7 -> 3/3/3/4/4)
* Berserker(4th)
- FIxed a bug where Berserker's Tsubame Gaeshi could proc Avalon
- Attribute:Improve Mana Shroud now allows Mana Burst and MAX Mana Burst to deal bonus damage based on INT, instead of flat values(3*INT/5*INT respectively)
- Combo:MAX Mana Burst combo input time increased(4->5 seconds)
* Archer(5th)
- Base health reduced(1150->1100)
- Fixed a bug where sword models from Sword Barrage - Confine were selectable
* Lancer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Rune of Trap had global range
* Rider(5th)
- Attribute:Monstrous Strength no longer grants attack speed bonus.
* Assassin(5th)
- Heart of the Harmony and Combo:Tsubame Mai now have 3000 range cap.
* Saber
- Fixed a bug where Avalon had infinite proc range
* Caster(5th)
- Workshop no longer grants passive vision to enemy. Enemy gets a ping to its location on minimap every 15 seconds
* Caster(4th)
- Summon Oceanic Demon summon count decreased(3/4/5/6/7 -> 3/3/3/4/4)
* Berserker(4th)
- FIxed a bug where Berserker's Tsubame Gaeshi could proc Avalon

Thursday, August 27, 2015
Fate/Another Beta 1.17 Patch Note
* General
- Fixed a bug where S scroll does not dispel banish status from Rule Breaker
* Rider(4th)
- Gordius Wheel turn rate penalty increase(300%->350%)
- Gordius Wheel bonus MR and armor reduced(50%->40%, 20->15), and diminsihes faster(Diminishes from 40% to 20/10% MR after 2.5/6 seconds, and from 15 to 8/4 for armor)
- Attribute 'Thundergod's Wrath' now allows Gordius Wheel to inflict physical damage instead of pure damage
* Red Saber(Extra)
- Attribute 'Invictus Spiritus' no longer activates when Saber is unable to use Command Seal.
* Lancer(5th)
- Fixed a bug with Rune of Conversion causing Lancer to suicide when he does not have sufficient HP
* Archer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Combo:Arrow Rain could be cast outside of UBW in some occurence
* Saber
- Fixed a bug where Caliburn did not do AoE damage
- Fixed a bug where Avalon could activate during regular Excalibur
* White Saber(Extra)
- Invigorating Ray cast point reduced(0.3->0.15)
- Blade of the Devoted is now instant cast
- Fixed a bug where S scroll does not dispel banish status from Rule Breaker
* Rider(4th)
- Gordius Wheel turn rate penalty increase(300%->350%)
- Gordius Wheel bonus MR and armor reduced(50%->40%, 20->15), and diminsihes faster(Diminishes from 40% to 20/10% MR after 2.5/6 seconds, and from 15 to 8/4 for armor)
- Attribute 'Thundergod's Wrath' now allows Gordius Wheel to inflict physical damage instead of pure damage
* Red Saber(Extra)
- Attribute 'Invictus Spiritus' no longer activates when Saber is unable to use Command Seal.
* Lancer(5th)
- Fixed a bug with Rune of Conversion causing Lancer to suicide when he does not have sufficient HP
* Archer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Combo:Arrow Rain could be cast outside of UBW in some occurence
* Saber
- Fixed a bug where Caliburn did not do AoE damage
- Fixed a bug where Avalon could activate during regular Excalibur
* White Saber(Extra)
- Invigorating Ray cast point reduced(0.3->0.15)
- Blade of the Devoted is now instant cast

Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Fate/Another Beta 1.16 Patch Note
Fate/Another Beta 1.16
* Caster(5th)
Revisited Workshop system
- Fixed a bug where Workshop could use certain prohibited spells via small icons below layout
- Fixed a bug where Workshop items could be used while floating
- Fixed a bug where Workshop's Mana Drain disregarded vision availability
- Fixed a bug with passive mana aura applying to Workshop itself
- Fixed a bug where Skeleton Warrior and Archer did not share cooldown
- Fixed a bug where items could be used while Workshop is mobilized
- Enemies now have vision of 300 radius around Workshop at all times
- Workshop bounty increased to 2000 gold
- All summons of Caster now scale with Caster's level and INT
- Skeleton warriors and archers now have significantly increased base stats, but start decaying upon spawn and take twice as much damage from magic
- Skeleton warriors and archers can no longer destroy ward(Dragon still can)
- Ancient Dragon now slows enemy down on attack and can load Caster atop, enjoying new ability 'Arcane Wrath'
- Mana Drain scales with Caster's INT(40 per second -> 40+INT*0.8 per second)
- Territory Explosion extra damage based on INT now scales with how much mana Workshop has at explosion(From INT*8 to INT*20)
- Base health reduced by 50(950 -> 900)
- Base movement speed reduced by 5(320 -> 315)
- Base vision range decreased by 100(900 -> 800)
- Stat gain scheme changed(1.1/0.5/1.4 -> 1.0/0.6/1.4)
- Attribute 'Improve Argos' max shield charge amount reduced(200 -> 150)
- 'Item Construction' scroll generation chance adjusted to 25/30/45% for S/A/B Scroll respectively(from 33%/33%/33%). The chance is increased to 40/30/30% when Caster is within 500 range from Workshop.
- Rule Breaker range buffer increased(50 -> 115)
- Attribute 'Dagger of Treachery' mana cost reduced(19 -> 17)
- Attribute 'Improve Hecatic Graea' now adds (INT*1) damage for all offensive skills
TL;DR : Workshop rework. Caster now less tanky. INT scaling.
* Caster(4th)
- Integrate now has 0.5 second delay when loading and unloading
- Gigantic Horror bounty increased to 2000 gold

Saturday, August 22, 2015
Tooltip Overhaul Details
For next few weeks, I will revisit the tooltip and make significant changes to them, in order to make it easier to comprehend for first-time readers and be compatible in multi-language setup. Below are some details for the interested :
1. Cut off chunk of 'extra' information and attach it to hidden description
- Being a WC3-based game, we have tons of gimmicky interaction that often don't make sense and those extra bits were adding up to create a wall of text for some abilities. I will be following Dota 2 practice to shrink them. An additional information that involves gimmicky interaction(i.e Saber's Instinct and Tsubame Gaeshi, B-Scroll-Pass-through) is going to be moved to hidden tooltip which can be displayed by pressing Alt button.
2. Clearly denote core functionality of ability, namely Crowd Control effect
- CC and damage are often two defining properties of abilities. Dota 2 has built-in support to show whether an ability is magic/physical/pure, but CC requires special handling. Again, we have very vague definition of CC coming from WC3, other than couple obvious ones such as stun and slow. The upcoming overhaul will hopefully categorize them more clearly.
Refer to Appendix II. for list of CC.
3. Push the possible variables away from main chunk of text and put them into bottom variable lines instead
- This is needed to ensure the version control is consistent and easy between multiple language files. Say, we have a description of 'Gordius Wheel' which says 'Increases magic resistance by 50%' in main description. If I were to change this value to 40%, I have to change this in 4 different files, which correspond to number of currently supported languages. Not cool eh?
Appendix I. Updated Tooltip Examples

Appendix II. List of Crowd Controls :
Stun : Disables any activity.
Root : Disables movement(Blink Scroll can be still used)
Slow : Impales movement speed
Knockup/Knockback : Disables any activity, often accompanied by disposition. Cannot be cleansed
Revoke : Severs the connection with Master, disabling usage of Command Seal
Lock : Prevents the interaction with multi-dimension, disabling usage of Blink Scroll and alike abilities(i.e Avenger's Dark Passage)
Banish : Renders target immune to physical and pure damage, but twice as vulnerable to magic damage. Additionally, target cannot perform autoattack.
Silence : Causes target to be unable to cast spell.
1. Cut off chunk of 'extra' information and attach it to hidden description
- Being a WC3-based game, we have tons of gimmicky interaction that often don't make sense and those extra bits were adding up to create a wall of text for some abilities. I will be following Dota 2 practice to shrink them. An additional information that involves gimmicky interaction(i.e Saber's Instinct and Tsubame Gaeshi, B-Scroll-Pass-through) is going to be moved to hidden tooltip which can be displayed by pressing Alt button.
2. Clearly denote core functionality of ability, namely Crowd Control effect
- CC and damage are often two defining properties of abilities. Dota 2 has built-in support to show whether an ability is magic/physical/pure, but CC requires special handling. Again, we have very vague definition of CC coming from WC3, other than couple obvious ones such as stun and slow. The upcoming overhaul will hopefully categorize them more clearly.
Refer to Appendix II. for list of CC.
3. Push the possible variables away from main chunk of text and put them into bottom variable lines instead
- This is needed to ensure the version control is consistent and easy between multiple language files. Say, we have a description of 'Gordius Wheel' which says 'Increases magic resistance by 50%' in main description. If I were to change this value to 40%, I have to change this in 4 different files, which correspond to number of currently supported languages. Not cool eh?
Appendix I. Updated Tooltip Examples
Appendix II. List of Crowd Controls :
Stun : Disables any activity.
Root : Disables movement(Blink Scroll can be still used)
Slow : Impales movement speed
Knockup/Knockback : Disables any activity, often accompanied by disposition. Cannot be cleansed
Revoke : Severs the connection with Master, disabling usage of Command Seal
Lock : Prevents the interaction with multi-dimension, disabling usage of Blink Scroll and alike abilities(i.e Avenger's Dark Passage)
Banish : Renders target immune to physical and pure damage, but twice as vulnerable to magic damage. Additionally, target cannot perform autoattack.
Silence : Causes target to be unable to cast spell.

Thursday, August 20, 2015
2015 Roadmap
- Custom UI 2.0
- Tooltip overhaul
- Caster(Extra)
- Assassin(Extra)
- Archer(Extra)
- Ruler(Apocrypha)
- Red Saber(Apocrypha)
- Red Lancer(Extra)
- Black Rider(Apocrypha) - if I ever find a model for him :p
The order of which Servants will be released is subject to change(public model availability, design finalization etc).
- Custom UI 2.0
- Tooltip overhaul
- Caster(Extra)
- Assassin(Extra)
- Archer(Extra)
- Ruler(Apocrypha)
- Red Saber(Apocrypha)
- Red Lancer(Extra)
- Black Rider(Apocrypha) - if I ever find a model for him :p
The order of which Servants will be released is subject to change(public model availability, design finalization etc).

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