ANNOUNCEMENT: Community driven tournament is taking signup at the moment. Visit Fate/Another subreddit for more info.
* General
- Fixed a bug where Shard of Avarice did not correctly grant bonus gold on the beginning of new round
* Caster(5th)
- Selecting Caster while mounted selects Ancient Dragon instead
- Fixed a bug where mount delay was longer than intended
* Avenger
- Fixed a bug where True Form would occasionally mess up the ability layout
* Archer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Hrunting did not grant vision of Archer
* Caster(4th)
- Fixed a bug where active component of Prelati's Spellbook was not applying damage amplification to allies correctly
- Selecting Caster while integrated selects Gigantic Horror instead
* Berserker(5th)
- Base mana regen increased(0.5->4)
* True Assassin
- Presence Concealment fade-in delay increased(1.5->2.0), and getting damaged resets the delay.
* Assassin(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Quickdraw's damage was lower than intended
- Attribute:Ganryu now places Assassin 100 units behind the closest target
- Combo:Tsubame Mai cooldown decreased(150->120)
* Caster(Extra)
- Base health increased(900->1000)
- Base movement speed increased(320->330)
* Red Saber(Extra)
- Base mana increased(1050->1175)
* White Saber(Extra)
- Base health reduced(1250->1200)
- Combo:Supernova cooldown increased(130->170)