Saturday, November 21, 2015

Fate/Another Beta v1.34d Patch Note

* Archer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Combo:Arrow Rain's Broken Phantasm was referencing 1 level higher values

* Assassin(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Eye of Serenity particle was invisible to enemy

* Berserker(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Combo:Madman's Roar was not slowing affected enemies
- Fixed several bugs with Attribute:Eternal Rage:

  • No longer allows Berserker to bash even when Courage is not active
  • No longer increases Berserk's duration by 1 second

- Fixed a bug where Attribute:God Hand would not resurrect Berserker if friendly Servant alive is either player 11 or 12

* Lancer(4th)
- Fixed a bug where Warrior's Charge was not correctly stunning secondary targets
- Fixed a bug where Mark of Mortality proc from Attribute:Rosebloom was dealing damage based on Lancer's health rather than target's

* Caster(Extra)
- Fixed a bug where Mantra on friendly target can be blocked by spell shield

* Rider(4th)
- Fixed a bug where Hephaestion's Hammer and Anvil sometimes caused performance issue over time

* Avenger
- Fixed a bug where Dark Passage could be used in some occurrence even when Avenger is locked

* White Saber(Extra)
- Fixed a bug where Combo:Supernova could be activated even when Q and R are not cast on same target

* Red Saber(Extra)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Soverign's Glory inflicted one more tick of damage