Thursday, November 5, 2015

Fate/Another Beta v1.33b Patch Note

* Caster(5th)
- Spellbook is now toggle-based, and no longer interrupts queued abilities
- Fixed a bug where extra damage from Attribute:Witchcraft was stacking per ray drop when using Hecatic Graea
- Hecatic Graea now positions Caster faster to the target location

* Rider(4th)
- Fixed a bug where Gordius Wheel modifier could be stacked

* Lancer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:The Heartseeker's AD ratio was not properly working(it was attached to Improve Gae Bolg attribute instesad)

* Berserker(5th)
- Fixed a bug where ressurection by Attribute:God Hand did not remove Gae Buidhe's health reduction effect