- Fixed a bug where S scroll does not dispel banish status from Rule Breaker
* Rider(4th)
- Gordius Wheel turn rate penalty increase(300%->350%)
- Gordius Wheel bonus MR and armor reduced(50%->40%, 20->15), and diminsihes faster(Diminishes from 40% to 20/10% MR after 2.5/6 seconds, and from 15 to 8/4 for armor)
- Attribute 'Thundergod's Wrath' now allows Gordius Wheel to inflict physical damage instead of pure damage
* Red Saber(Extra)
- Attribute 'Invictus Spiritus' no longer activates when Saber is unable to use Command Seal.
* Lancer(5th)
- Fixed a bug with Rune of Conversion causing Lancer to suicide when he does not have sufficient HP
* Archer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Combo:Arrow Rain could be cast outside of UBW in some occurence
* Saber
- Fixed a bug where Caliburn did not do AoE damage
- Fixed a bug where Avalon could activate during regular Excalibur
* White Saber(Extra)
- Invigorating Ray cast point reduced(0.3->0.15)
- Blade of the Devoted is now instant cast

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