Saturday, September 19, 2015

Progress So Far

Since September is coming close to end, I would like to share my progress on stuffs I have promised in the Q4 roadmap. I spent valuable time investigating the stutter earlier in this month(volvo pls) and did not make as much progress as I hoped for, but things are slowly coming together.

Custom UI 2.0
Made a toggle button for direct transfer from shop to hero inventory. Completed side bar info tab. Created a separate panel for Master 2 stuffs(stats, attributes, and whatnot) that can be minimized, although the actual elements are still awaiting for integration.

Some of the things done can be deployed on main client right off the bat, but I am holding off for a bit because Valve has left a real spooky line in their patch note with their initial reborn update :

"Afterwards, we'll begin shifting our attention towards the in-game UI, where we plan to redesign the HUD and work on a variety of other in-game features"

In other words, the new UI optimized for current HUD can turn out to be the nightmare when redesigned HUD drops. I figured I would rather wait a bit and see what they come up with. 

The church map is done, but I haven't started on implementing FFA logic yet. 


There is draft version of tooltips available if anyone cares to read. The concept is 'slippery support mage with sustained DPS'. This task is currently in my scope and I hope to be able to release her on test game by next weekend.

TL;DR : I wouldn't be able to be timely with the promised updates. Spare me, I am trying.