- Combo requirement now respects rounded-up values on UI(i.e 19.6 INT still qualifies as 20)
* Assassin(5th)
- Heart of Harmony tweaks
- Now grants Assassin bonus movement speed after successful counterattack, and generates an illusion
- Now automatically moves player's camera to where Assassin teleported
- No longer deals damage
- Windblade damage reduced(400/500/600/700/800->400/475/550/625/700) *
- Combo:Tsubame Mai tweaks
- Counter damage threshold reduced(300->100)
- AD ratio per slash reduced(1.2->1.0)
- Generates 2 illusions if activated by counterattack, or 1 if activated by autoattack
- Cooldown increased(120->150)
* Berserker(5th)
- Attribute:Eternal Rage bash duration increased(0.5->0.65), damage reduced(300->50), damage type changed(Magical->Physical)
* White Saber(Extra)
- Excalibur Galatine healing amount on ally reduced(66%->33%)
- Sun's Embrace's heal is now based on target's current magic resistance(50% of target's missing health->(target's current MR)% of missing health)
* Red Saber(Extra)
- Fixed a bug where Combo:Final Finale was generating flame in square AoE, rather than circular
* Caster(5th)
- Base movement speed increased(315->325)
- Fixed a bug where R button would be occasionally replaced with Firewall
- Fixed a bug where Hecatic Graea was dropping rays in square AoE, rather than circular
- Fixed a bug where Caster can mount on Ancient Dragon while invulnerable on air
- Fixed a bug where Ancient Dragon's ability layout would occasionally get messed up if Dragon dies by non-combat source(entity removal from lua script, workshop destroyed, round ended, etc)
- Fixed a bug where Ancient Dragon's health bonus from Caster's INT was reset when mounting
- Attribute:Improve Argos mana cost reduced(14->8)
- Workshop now mobilizes and immobilizes faster(3 seconds->1.5 second)
- Workshop now benefits from its own Brilliance Aura when upgraded
* Archer(4th)
- Gate of Babylon damage per weapon increased(30/45/60/75/90->40/60/80/100/120)
* Archer(5th)
- Attribute:Hrunting mana cost reduced(16->14), firing Hrunting emits global sound
* Berserker(4th)
- Eternal Arms Mastership's active component can no longer be used when Berserker is revoked
* Avenger
- Attribute:Overdrive mana cost reduced(14->12)
- Fixed a bug where Verg Avesta was unable to return Hecatic Graea's damage