Sunday, January 24, 2016

Fate/Another Beta v1.40b Patch Note

* Archer(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Combo:Arrow Rain did not display cooldown timer via modifier
- Sword Barrage cooldown increased(3.5->5.0), mana cost removed(200->0)
- Base mana reduced(1075->1000)
- Attribute:Improve Projection's passive sword base damage reduced(85->75)

* Caster(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Sacrifice's channeling did not get canceled when mounting
- Hecatic Graea damage rescaled(220/290/360/430/500->310/345/380/415/450)

* Assassin(Extra)
- Cosmic Orbit's silence proc now has 3 seconds built-in cooldown

* Avenger
- Fixed a bug where True Form did not increase current mana

* White Saber(Extra)
- Sun's Embrace's healing effect on allied target is now calculated after its MR amplification(bonus MR from Attribute:Sunlight is not taken into account) instead of before

* Caster(Extra)
- Eightfold Blessing of Amaterasu now has 0.4 seconds casting point, radius reduced(1150->1050)