* General
- Updated Simplified Chinese localization to latest version
- Rank A+ Scroll removed from game
- Rank A Scroll now increases armor by 5 for duration
- Healing Scroll is now standalone item and no longer requires to be combined
- Fixed a bug where invulnerability prevented affected entity from receiving new modifier(report on googledoc if there are more)
- Fixed a bug where invulnerable or magic immune heroes were not receiving XP
- Combo and Attribute-based abilities now show cooldown in modifier tab
- Holy Grail's Blessing now grants 15 mana instead of 10
* Archer(5th)
- Attribute:Kanshou Bakuya Overedge cooldown reduced(60->5)
* Lancer(4th)
- Gae Buidhe casting point increased(1.1->1.2)
* Archer(4th)
- Fixed a bug where Gate of Babylon's cast soundclip was emitting locally instead of only to player's client
* Assassin(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Vitrification did not enable Presence Concealment
- Fixed a bug where Attribute:Vitirification's invisibility on Heart of Harmony lasted even when Assassin casted ability
- Fixed a bug where Heart of Harmony and Combo:Tsubame Mai's counter component activated when attacked by invulnerable enemy
- Attribute:Vitirification mana cost reduced(13->11)
* Caster(5th)
- Fixed a bug where Arcane Wrath could be cast when Caster is not mounted
- Arcane Wrath range increased(1000->1300)
* Avenger
- True Form health bonus reduced(400/460/520/580/640->200/300/400/500/600), but also increases max mana by 300
* True Assassin
- Self Modification AGI increase per kill rescaled(0.75/1.5/2.25/3/3.75->1/1.5/2/2.5/3)
* Red Saber(Extra)
- Base damage rescaled(46~74->59~65)
- Aestus Domus Aurea now locks enemy only when they are facing away from Saber(can now blink towards Saber), duration increased(8->10)
* Caster(Extra)
- Added recommended item build
- Base health increased(1000->1150)
- Eightfold Blessing of Amaterasu's AoE field is now unique and newly placed field overrides old one, AoE increased(1000->1150)
* Assassin(Extra)
- Added recommended item build
- Fixed a bug where No Second Strike could not be cast on magic immunity
- Fixed a bug where Combo:Raging Dragon Strike did not have its cooldown reduced by half when failed to land third strike
- Fixed a bug where No Second Strike's delayed damage was pure damage
1) Please fill out the Fate/Another New Years Survey, consisting of 7 questions, with 1 bonus question that allows you to vote for the next Servant to be released. It will take you less than 3 minutes.
2) We are taking beta tag off and going official release when all issues here are resolved.
3) Russian translation is in progress.