- Updated Chinese tooltips
- Fix camera clipping through ground near the top edge of viewport
- Added progress indicator for some buffs
- Updated Chinese tooltips
- Fix camera clipping through ground near the top edge of viewport
- Added progress indicator for some buffs
- Fixed knockback interaction causing units to get stuck in terrain
- Nail Swing
- Nine Lives
- Windblade
- Sword Confine - Barrage (for Archer only)
- Fixed combos not applying the correct cooldown onto combo activators
- Rho Aias
- Courage
- Fierce Tiger Strike
- Bloodfort Andromeda
- Tres Fontaine Ardent
- Added more modifiers to prevent dummy Wisp from colliding with heroes
- Fixed hero not being initialised properly when player disconnects during hero load
Archer of Red(Apocrypha)
- Fixed Combo not registered for Ctrl-Click on portrait
- Fixed Crossing Arcadia firing arrows even when not alive
- Fixed Priestess of the Hunt arrow progress not resetting to 0 when arrow charges are set to max
- Fixed possible ability layout bug involving combo
- Fixed Heart of Harmony still attacking even when not alive
- Fixed getting stuck in marble when marble ends during the jump state of combo
- Fixed Nine Lives Blade Works with Improved Projection not dealing bonus damage based on target's current health
- Sword Barrage - Confine swords can now be collided into with Nine Lives
- Fixed Attribute Rain of Swords not increasing AoE and damage of Enkidu's Sword Barrage
- Fixed Army of the King interaction with units in jump state
- Fixed possibly getting stuck in midair when ally's Army of the King ends during Bellerophon's descend time
- Fixed Verg Avesta not returning damage to magic immune units
- Mental Pollution now gains 1 Madness in 10 second intervals instead of 2 Madness in 20 second intervals
Caster(Extra), N.R.
- Fixed order of applying effects causing stun to never be randomly chosen
- Fixed Eternal Arms Mastership interactions with slows
- S Scroll will not apply slow
- EX Scroll will not apply slow
- Soulstream + Gust Heaven will apply slow
- Weakening Venom will apply slow and strength reduction
- Dirk will not apply slow, Improved Dirk will apply strength reduction
- Madman's Roar will not apply slow
- Sword Barrage - Retreat will not apply slow
- Warrior's Charge will not apply slow
- Gordius Wheel with Thundergod's Wrath attribute will not apply slow on lightning strikes